Monday, April 14, 2014

styling: The White-TEE

Hello Again Trendbreakers, I know i've kinda M.I.A, but here I am back again...

Today I'm gonna style the most essential item in every girl's wardrobe, and if this item is missing in yours...then better get you a nice (White-TEE), Cause it's gonna save you in lots of occasions/situations.

So, I know that it's so mainstream to talk about the white-tee, but trust me, it's important especially when you're late and you just can't think of any outfit suitable for the occasion...

I'll style for you 3 Different outfits using the white-tee and changing the looks in just a blink of an eye..

The white tee

casual outing with the girls..
So, you've been busy at work and then one of your friends called for a girl time, grabbing food or drinks, or need to look cute, effortless, and of course comfy.
Here I come with the casual styling of your white-tee, pair it with a medium washed pair of cuffed-up Jeans, and a pair of black stripy sandals that gives you that fabulous look, and for accessories.. Go for Gold chain statement necklace , and black clutch, then to finish off grab your red lipstick and support your black nails, and you're just the Fabbie Girl.

Dinner Date..
you're having a date, but you wanna look effortless, and that you didn't try too much, although you know you did ;)
So, I suggest that you pair your white-tee with a lace pencil skirt that is in girly and flirty color like the shown coral skirt, keep it simple with daisy necklace and ring, and for the purse, a nice blush color is just perfect and a nude stripy sandals to complete the look with sophistication, for the make-up I recommend to keep it n aural with blowy skin, and flushy cheeks.

Work Meeting..
You slept in last night, and you're having a very important work meeting, in which, you have to look presentable, classy, and professional, so what are you gonna do??
Well, the key to this look is to have a good tailored black suit (skirt/pants), and pair it with your white-tee and  your black stilettos, and your huge black purse, keep it super simple and natural with accessories and make-up and...ohh, you didn't spend more than 20 minutes getting ready.

The key to all these looks is to invest in a good quality essential and then your wardrobe is ready for any occasion.

Hope You're having super fun day/night where you are...

XOXO A Trend Breaker

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